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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Section 1: What Are Cookies?

Cookies are an industry-standard technology used by web servers to identify your computer.
While cookies can identify your computer, they cannot personally identify you.
Please note that disabling cookie functionality through changes in device settings may result in the unavailability of all or part of our services.

Section 2: Use of Cookies

ENTRY Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Our Company”) may use Cookies and similar technologies in the services provided by Our Company (hereinafter referred to as “our services”).

Section 3: (Names and Purposes of Cookies)

Our company, Entry Co., Ltd. (referred to as “we” or “us”), may use cookies and similar technologies to analyze your usage of our services. This allows us to enhance performance, improve our services, and provide various features. For this analysis and feature provision, we primarily utilize the services of the following providers.
Please refer to the privacy policies of each service provider in the table below for information on the data transmitted and their respective purposes of use.

External Recipient 1

Services Used
Google Analytics
Service Providers
Google Inc.
Overview of externally transmitted information
  • IP Address
  • User Agent
  • Cookie Information
  • Page Viewing Information
  • Interaction Information
  • Geographical Information
  • Referrer Information
Methods to opt out of external transmissions, etc.
Purposes of External Transmissions
To analyze traffic and user behavior for the purpose of improving and enhancing our services.

External Recipient 2

Services Used
Service Providers
Interpark., Co. Ltd.
Overview of externally transmitted information
  • IP Address
  • User Agent
  • Cookie Information
  • Page Viewing Information
Methods to opt out of external transmissions, etc.
Purposes of External Transmissions
To analyze user behavior for the improvement and enhancement of our services.

External Recipient 3

Services Used
Service Providers
Overview of externally transmitted information
  • IP Address
  • User Agent
  • Cookie Information
  • Page Viewing Information
  • Operation history
  • Referrer Information
Methods to opt out of external transmissions, etc.
Purposes of External Transmissions
To analyze user behavior for the improvement and enhancement of our services.

Section 4 (Inquiries Regarding Cookie/Third-Party Sending Policy)

ENTRY Inc. Contact Information

Office hours
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM(excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and year-end/New Year holidays)

Section 5 (Revision of Cookie/Third-Party Policy)

We regularly conduct audits of external transmissions and review and revise this policy when making significant changes to our services or external services.

Enacted on September 1, 2023.